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How To Deal With Too Many Extensions In Chrome

Everybody loves Chrome, at least I do. And there are too many reasons to love it. Minimal design, better startup time, loads pages faster and everything that a modern browser must have. Did I mention its huge collection of add-ons? There are around 55000 extensions available out there. So how is it possible to use Chrome without a single addon? I am using almost 15 extensions simultaneously. Some of you might say, Hey! these are too many that they can slow down the browser. Well! not for me and won't be a pain to your browser as well if you follow my lead and do what I say.
The idea here is to disable the addons that are not being used. I mean why use CricInfo addon when there are no matches around or why use URL shortener when you have no plans to do so. I bet you also have some extensions that you don't use regularly, and they are sucking up the memory from your system or you are afraid to remove these from your browser that what if I need them again or you are too lazy to disable them and again enable them when needed, by going through a long procedure.
Woah......! Less talking more working.

Alright! Lets begin.

>> Install this extension. Yeah right, another extension to deal with too many extensions issue :)

>> A new button will appear like this.

>> Click on it to see all your addons.

>> White color means enabled extensions and grey color means disabled extensions.

>> Simply click on an extension to disable it or click on any grey extension to enable it.

>> I recommend to keep only those extension enabled that are always needed. For example Adblock Plus.

>> Alternatively, you can use any of these extensions, works quite the same.

Thats all. Saved your effort and precious system memory.

If you still have questions, then let me know.
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  • Chrome extension manager
  • Chrome getting slow
  • Improve Chrome speed
  • Improve Chrome startup times
  • How to disable extension in chrome
  • Top/Must have chrome extensions
  • Tweaks to make Chrome load pages fast
  • Does extensions slow down the browser?
  • Chrome Tutorials

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