About Me

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About Me

The main idea behind this blog is to rediscover the things, buried way down in the internet. I try to find the solutions of very simple problem with not so very simple solution of it.

A few months back, when I tried to search for some of my problems regarding computer and internet, I realized that though these are few simple things, but some of them couldn't be found on the first results of Google.You have to search deeply to get your answers and find some solutions. Other thing was that I wanted the straight forward answers to my questions, and don't wanted to wander around page and press Ctrl+F to find the topic I was looking for.

Here I will give some easy tricks to solve some of the internet problems that I have faced.

I kinda love this habit of mine to solve some tricky or not so tricky problems, and then create or FIND new problems to solve them.

I will try to help you to enhance your experience on the internet. Some of things here will surely help you with your life on internet and computers, and you will be glad to find a new dimension of internet.

One last thing. I have tried to put screenshots with every tutorial so that it may help you to easily understand what I am actually trying to say and show. Anyways, enjoy the visit and always appreciate the good work :)