Often times while wandering around a website, you just realize that you have reached down enough, and in order to change the page you have to go the navigation bar that is usually on the top of any web page. Especially when you are on Facebook, you regularly have to go to the top of the page. Well! you can drag the scrollbar to top or use your keyboard to do so. But I think this JOURNEY is like a waste of time and effort. So, if you want to save your precious time then let your browser help you :)
Alright! Let's Begin.
>> All we need is to install a Userscript. If you don't know how Userscripts works, then first you have to take a look at this post.
>> When everything is set up as mentioned in the post, you are good to go. Now visit this page.
>> You will see an install button like this.
>> Click on it. A confirmation box will appear.
>> When you click on ok, an installation complete dialog will appear.
>> Refresh every page if necessary.
>> Scroll down the page a bit. You will see a new button like this.
>> You can click on it to goto the top of the page. And when you hover over it you will also see a scroll to bottom button as well. It will take you to the bottom of the page if you like to.
Thats all. Saved your energy for right things :)